Jumat, 06 Januari 2017



Hapsi Ali 1, Ahmad Resha Farhan 2,
1 Professor Of Management Information Systems University Of Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Student of Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta Indonesia

Abstract A: the value of information is worth more than the value of the investment. Therefore, in making an informed needed a system that could make a precise and accurate information. Management information systems need to be defined in more detail in order to get more specific information, particularly for production (manufacturing). Manufacturing information systems can support the overall manufacturing activity to produce a product that both in terms of time, cost and quality. The object of this research is the PT Gudang Garam Tbk JL. a. Yani General 75-79 Jakarta 10510-Indonesia(representative offices). The research is to analyze the effect of manufacturing information system to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the company's operations.

Keywords: Management Information System, Manufacturing Information Systems.


The industrialized world has always been connecting our thinking to a procedure of input, process, output. The data is an input that will eventually become a information through a process commonly referred to as management system Database Management System (DBMS). Management information system (SIM) became the primary device the printer information for decision-making for the development of perusahwithan.
Manufacturing companies need information to make the wheels of industry. Without accurate information, the company cannot determine the policies, decisions, regulations can even support the improvement or development of the company. Therefore, manufacturing companies need to have a specialized information system on a Department or part manufacturing.
System information contains important information about people, places, and all the things that exist in the in or in the neighborhoods surrounding the organization. Information itself containsa meaning that is data that has been processed to in a form that more has meaning and can be used for the taking of decisions. The Data itself is the facts that represent a State, condition, or event thatoccurred or existed in in or on the physical environment of the organization. Data not be directly used for the taking of decisions, but rather should be processed further in the past so that it can beunderstood, and then utilized in the taking of decisions.

Every information system serves three principal: 1) collection and data entry, 2) the storage and retrieval of returns (retrieval) data, and 3) application data, in terms of system informationterkomputer includes impressions (the display) (Lynch, LG. 1977). According to O'Brien (2005) management information system is a combination of a regular among the people, hardware, software, network and data resources (the fifth element is called the component information system) that collect, transform and disseminate information in organizations like on picture 1.
Figure 1. Component Information System

A method of qualitative study with literature and empirical experience in the last 3 years, as well as observations on the object of research of PT Gudang Garam, Tbk, Jakarta and on unit Analysis Department/section of the SIM.

Manufacturing information system (SIMa) included within the framework of the system
Information management (SIM) as a whole. Sima more emphasis to production process occurring in a production floor, ranging from raw material input to the output of finished goods, taking into account all the processes going on.

Figure 1. Flow chart of Data into information to SIMa

Internal company data is internal data that supports the overall system processing the data into useful information. This data includes the human resources (HR), materials, machines, and other things that support the overall production processes such as transport, material quality specification, the frequency of treatments, and others.
External Data is data that companies come from outside the company (environment) that supports the processing of data into useful information. Examples of external data is the data suppliers (supplier), the Government's policy on the UMR, electricity, etc. These Data are usually useful for the calculation of the cost in manufacturing ranging from beginning until the end of the process. This initial data can be obtained from the very beginning the company stands as well as at the time of the production process takes place, then the required data are documented in a database. Because of the abstract and the amount of data that has to be didokumentasi, then we should be able to define the end goal of information shall we create. Parties top management (Executive) should provide guidelines to the information management to create an information system that is wanted. After that, the information management may decide to gather data such as what is to be able to generate information as expected by the party Executive.
Processing of data into information is always identified with the Database Management System (DBMS). DBMS or management data, where the data must be guaranteed the accuracy, currency, availability, and security for the users, the aim in the use of the information does not happen confusion. Activities that occur in the data management is:
1. The collection (documenting) data
2. Testing data, not the data inconsistencies occur
3. Maintenance of the data, to ensure the accuracy and recency of data.
4.      Data security, to avoid damage and abuse
the data.
5. Data capture, could be in the form of reports, to facilitate the processing of data to another. As well as input data, processing of data into information entails using a special calculation method that suits the needs of the industries concerned. When we do not know the wishes of the Executive information, processing the data may give rise to cost the inefektif and inefeksiensi.

     The information generated from the data processing results need to be classified on the basis of several subsystems. In this case, company classifying output data into 3 parts are inventory, production and quality, where all three of these elements does not leave costs that occur in it.

·         Inventory
Subsystem definition supplies any product existing in the company either stored or will be required. Inventory subsystem provides the amount of stock, the cost of holding, safety stock, and others based on the results of the data processing of the input. Subsystem supplies usually have purchase process (purchasing) and storage (inventory). Other processes can be developed according to needs of the company, but both this process is enough to represent the entire process in a subsystem of inventory. In the process of purchasing, management of information documenting the process of the selection of the supplier until the arrival of the materials from the supplier and then processed in the production floor. The purchasing process for the supply calculated by considering the correlation between purchase and storage.When a small amount of storage, then the frequency of purchase it is estimated more and more (quantity of products that are a bit) and the cost of getting bigger. But when a large amount of storage, then the frequency of purchase of a little (with the quantity of a product that a lot) and the cost can be suppressed, but storage costs also increased. The reverse comparison between this need and the purchase of storage is calculated to find the optimal point for purchase and optimal point for storage to prevent swelling pricesThe process also has a role in storage subsystem supplies. Too many storage (excessive) can result in costs (maintenance, damage, etc.), so the quantity estimated in accordance with the necessary storage capacity of the warehouse.

·         Production
Produksi Subsystem is documented and made an information to support executives in determining her decision. The definition of the production subsystem is any thing relevant to the process that occurs at each work station or Department. The information necessary for a user is the production scheduling (scheduling) and transaction (transaction) between work stations. Production scheduling takes into account the data demand and production capacity. This Data can be retrieved from the marketing, knowing the upcoming market forecasting, so the product isn't too much or too disedikit produced. In addition to dealing with marketing, production scheduling associated with the Human Resource in terms of the number of employees who work, qualification of employees, shift work, etc. Although the number of employees slightly, when qualifying well, then any production-quality results. Therefore, the performance of workers determine the scheduling of production. The Bill of materials (BOM) associated with the scheduling of production. The close relationship between scheduling and inventory can be direlasikan through bombs. Inventory levels will affect the production schedule, so BOMB every product needs to be specified in order not to delay the production occurs. The delay components of each product can be seen from the results of the data processing, so that any errors can be corrected for the next scheduling period. Linkages between the working station need to be supported by the system. Just In Time (JIT) into a system that is quite well known in the company as a result of information processing that will reduce the delay in the delivery of the product to the next work station system (kanban). In the decision, the matter needs to be documented every transaction process (the current take, receive, returns between work stations) happens to keep the delivery error is likely to occur, the damage on the delivery time, etc. Any transaction processing system documentation need to set storage WIP and finished goods which will be processed further in order to avoid damage to the product or something.

·         The quality of the
Quality Subsystem has a very complex definition. All things related to quality, good time, cost, performance of work, as well as the selection of the supplier. Many other things are not the absolute definition of quality but needs to be included in such a process of quality of care. The didokumentasi process in this subsystem is the process control (ProcessC ontrol), maintenance (Maintenance), and specification (Specification) both finished product or material. There are still many other things that need to be didokumentasi, but overall, three process can reflect the quality of products produced. Process of care included in part because of the quality of the process are the biggest distractions on the floor of the production was due to the problem of engine maintenance. The process of treatment is associated with the age of the machine, as well as economically related to the duration of the treatment is done. Information on the treatment process will strongly support the penjadualan production, so it's not a product is largely determined by the desires of the consumer. Consumer satisfaction standard has translated into specifications, and specifications be too muchdpreemption (termination of proceedings) at each work station. Production processes that occur at each work station need to be didokumentasi so you can eventually become informed, work stations which are the most influential to the quality of the product at this time. This determination can be done with the recording of product defects that occur at each work station. The quality of a product's quality benchmarks. The resulting product specification documentation can be a benchmark of the quality of the production process that are running at the moment. Information on product specifications that exist today can become the strategic thinking to the company policy in the future.
·         The cost of the
Cost components included in all existing subsystems. The purpose of manufacturing companies in general are achieving profits from sales of its products. Therefore, a system of information will never occur regardless of cost elements in it. Manufacturing information systems chart above illustrate that the cost component of the whole output consist of such information, and the cost of each component is also included in the subsystem. That is, in generating information for each subsystem requires great costs and at the same time there is a cost that can be reduced from the results of the information obtained from the system adaOleh because abstract and the amount of data that has to be didokumentasi, then we should be able to define the end goal of information shall we create. Parties top management (Executive) should provide guidelines to the information management to create an information system that is wanted. After that, the information management may decide to gather data such as what is to be able to generate information as expected by the party Executive.
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning )

An ERP system is a term given to the information systems that support the daily operations of the transaction or in the management of company resources. These resources include funds, human, machinery, spare parts, material, time and capacity. ERP system was divided into several sub-systems, namely Financial Systems, distribution systems, Manufacturing Systems, and Human Resource Systems. Commercial ERP system examples: SAP, Baan, Oracle, Peoplesoft, and JD IFS. Edwards. In addition it wrong one ERP system open source which is popular nowadays is Compiere.
Standard modules are usually integrated in an ERP system at least minimally consists of:

a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Is an information system that is used for integrated planning, scheduling, and controlling the activities prapenjualan and pascapenjualan in an organization. CRM covers all aspects relating to potential customers and current customers, including call centre (call center), sales force (sales force), marketing, technical support (technical support) and field (field service).

b. Financial Resource Management (FRM)
The module is a module that serves to collect and manage the entire financial data so that it is able to present a report of the results of the relationship data from some departments. module-modulnya amongst others; General Accounting, Financial Accounting, Controlling, Investment Management, Treasury, Controlling and Enterprise.

c. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Functionally Logistics Module used to process procurement, sales and distribution of logistics which is used by the company. The goal of the SCM was to do the effectiveness and efficiency of the startingof suppliers, manufacturers, warehouse and stores. SCM is actually a module that became the focus of cutting edge in the development of an ERP system. The application of SCM is good by making use of the Internet is a solution that is very effective in cost savings company. The planning process to optimize the storage and use of logistics is very helpful in improving the prediction of demand and efficiency for the company. Module-modulnya among others are: General Logistics, Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, Logistics Execution, Quality Management, Plant Maintenance, Customer Service, Production Planning and Control, Project System, Environment Management

d. HRM (Human Resource Management)
Human resources is the greatest asset a company requires good management and measurable from start recruitment, penjadualan and processing of salary. Works related business routine source of humanresources such as salary payments, management expenses, duty assignments outside the Office, bonus/compensation, recruitment to the planning needs of the workforce can be managed by this module.Modulnya include: Personnel Management, Personnel Time Management, Payroll, Training and Event Management, Organizational Management, Travel Managementt.

e. Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
The evolution of the Material Requirements Planning (MRP), which include additional factors such as long-term planning, master schedulling, rough cut capacity planning and shoop floor control. MRP Ihad place the elements of oversight and reporting. After the MRP I realized that many companies have to be combined, among others, finance, forecasting, sales order, sales analysis, distribution, quality control and the reporting and surveillance system further. This was later known as the concept of.

ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning).

Figure 2. ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning

ERP Will  Be  Supporting  the  Industry Specific
The manufacturing industry will no longer be the only industries that require the ERP. We have been able to see that specific industries such as telecommunications, multi-level Marketing, power companies or Mining can use ERP. Also increasingly often seen is the service industry (Service) such as hospitality, hospitals, banking, insurance, which also use the ERP.
It is not surprising if one day, the school, the Department of Justice, Department of Defense, even government agencies such as the Office of a gubernuran can also use the ERP. With all the limitations of the power source from the ERP vendors, then feature that is designed for a specific industry will be limited as well. There is an ERP that is more suitable for the industry A, there is a to B industries, but there can be no ERP that is suitable for all industries. Will be how spesifikkah? The ERP vendor will always find a point of balance so that its products do not become too specific until it is not acceptedby the industry are extensive . The industry should be careful in choosing ERP that fits.

The benefits of implementing an ERP as part of Technology information
The following are the benefits with diaplikasikannya ERP for the company:
a. Integration of financial data
To integrate financial data so that top management can see and control the financial performance of the company with the better.
b. Standardization Of Process Operations
Menstandarkan the process of operations through the implementation of best practice so that an increase in productivity, reduced inefficiency and increased the quality of the product.
c. The standardization of Data and Information
Menstandarkan data and information through the uniformity of reporting, especially for larger companies that typically consists of many business units with the number and different types of business reply

Factors supporting the ERP in Company
a. Featured
Like the terbahas in Part I, the device software that belongs to the ERP was generally designed so that it can provide solutions for any type of industry (horizontal solution). But, in fact, any industry that had its own characteristics. This led to the emergence of the functions or features in ERP which is specific to a particular industry (vertical solution).
On the other hand, the theory in ERP itself is also undergoing a process of evolution along with the growing demands of consumers and the development of technology. For example: the demands of Inventory Reduction be In-Process demands Zero-Inventory, from Batch Manufacturing into Just-In-Time Manufacturing, from the concept of Routing into the concept of Synchronising.
By that, because the features you need in your everyday operations should be supported by the selected ERP. Sometimes we see some nice features that are based on new theories, we need to carefully assess whether it can be applied to a new feature on the condition it is today. Always remember that we are in Indonesia has a culture all its own. Misinterpretations or false vote based on the factorsfeatures will cause chaos and even hamper the operations of the company. Indeed many companies who planted a time for assessment . Suitable or not usually also can we investigate from the list of consumers who have been wearing the ERP industry and whether consumers were similar with our industry.
hamper the operations of the company. Indeed many companies who planted a time for assessment . Suitable or not usually also can we investigate from the list of consumers who have been wearing the ERP industry and whether consumers were similar with our industry.
b. Technology
One of the leading ERP industry analyst has said ' If you select an ERP, you should see the technology that is used behind them '. Unfortunately, many users are selecting the ERP has not necessarilygive enough attention on it . As those techniques, I can understand how difficult it is if an application whose scale ERP should be designed birthday with new technology.
Like many other things, there is technology that Sunrise and Sunset is nothing. Remember you with Fotran, PDP-11, Pascal, Cobol, Wordstar which was only ten years ago appeared in every curriculum Computer Science in University of us, if there are new applications that are built with a language that, these days?. To find out where the Sunrise and the Sunset which is a challenge for the MIS/EDP Department are usually more ter- update compared to other departments . Unfortunately, it's usually the selection of ERP that is driven from the party the user (users) are more focused to feature, so the factor of technology is usually ignored. Akitbatnya, there was a problem at a later date as the number of companies in Indonesia who are ' stuck ' with the name of the system ' legacy '.
c. source of Power Man
As powerful as any of our technology today, ERP remains only rudimentary human as expected. Therefore, no matter how successful ERP which we select from overseas, in our country it would not necessarily be the way if not supported by the local support that is strong. We should be really carefully selecting vendors who can commit to what they have to offer: for other ERP packages very handle compared to handle sales of PC or a desktop software package.
d. Infrastructure
Infrastructure in this regard including the system for supporting the implementation of an ERP project. For example: does the vendor provide Help Desk; does the vendor have procedures (standard operating procedure/methodology) in the implementation of an ERP system; do vendors find out what steps that must be taken at the time of customization, whether a vendor could explain what steps must be taken before the system ' go- live ', for example.

The Application Of ERP In PT Gudang Garam Tbk
            The construction of the Foundation of the system of TI in PT GUDANG GARAM TBK. actually started the year 1992; whereas the transition from the pattern of local area network (LAN) to the wide area network (WAN) recently conducted in 1995. After that, the corporate business applications become the focus of attention next. After going through the process of screening, managementdecided to use the ERP application from Oracle (which is still used up to now). "PT Gudang garam Tbk. was indeed wearing Oracle. At this time, to integrate his system. Planning, Development & Systems PT Gudang garam Tbk., the use of Oracle ERP that includes almost all important business processes, ranging from accounting and finance, manufacturing, and procurement of goods and finished goods management. Business units within the auspices of PT Gudang garam Tbk. also use application developed to complement ERP solution. Evidence of modern it systems already in PT Gudang Garam Tbk. the system also looks at the supply chain (supply chain management). Check out the course, tens of thousands of tobacco farmers PT Gudang Garam Tbk. everything is managed with the help of it, i.e. the system -based bar code. In the bar code it recorded the name of the farmer, wide petaknya, type of tobacco and varietasnya, and so on. So, when the harvest, tobacco (wrapped) was to be sent with the bar code. So, in the shelter – i.e. in Lombok and Madura – yields above can already directly scanned (scan), so no need to have officers who noted again. Barcoding systems have been applied in the purchase activities of materials and processes in the warehouse. barcoding system used since grade leaf tobacco produced different farmers. Currently, PT Gudang Garam Tbk. consuming 60-70 thousand tons of dried tobacco per year. Unfortunately, Angky claimed to not remember widespread land total which was used by the farmers who supply tobacco panennya create PTGudang Garam Tbk. As an overview, per hectare the vineyards could produce tobacco 15-20 tons. In accordance with the process, the tobacco leaves are harvested will be stored in the warehouse for 18-24 months so that experiencing a process of natural fermentation. Sophisticated Technology ever been used PT Gudang Garam Tbk. in pabrik-pabriknya. Start of the activities of the operational factories, blending machine to test cigarettes, already uses the system of robotics. That way, the process of its analysis no longer use taste, but rather wear data, so that the quality of the product can be the same. If wearing the taste and smell of man, its quality will not be the same. In addition, the numbers are a lot. Just imagine, for one mortar accounted 15 tons. It is not possible (done) by humans. So, in PT Gudang Garam Tbk. that, from upstream to downstream already versatile electronics. Armed with a system that is quite sophisticated, PT Gudang Garam Tbk defending what is already well underway,to improve the situation. Development of the network infrastructure by adding the connection to the branch office sales and warehousing which is not yet connected, totaling about 30 offices. Another change is the application of the methodology of the project to all it project in PT Gudang Garam Tbk.
Strategies of PT Gudang Garam Tbk. more on the consolidated application system that exists, and give a response on the demand of the new business. For example, doing stardardisasi business processes with ERP solution implements the same ones used by PT Gudang Garam Tbk. to all business units. The process of consolidation and integration of applications continued – in conjunction with the implementation of business systems that recently  allowing them can monitor critical performance indicators (Key Performance Indicator) and better. For example, the problem of efficiency in back office operations at PT Gudang Garam Tbk Systems IT was among others was able to reduce the level of overtime, in addition to the salesman and administrative staff can complete the job faster. Now PT Gudang Garam Tbk can see sales performance and the movement of inventory in the right time. And, we can improve the service to customers. Although the application of TI is already planned for the long term, should PT Gudang garam Tbk. always do small changes to help achieve success of the implementation of this new software package. After the Division of IT separately from the company, the most important part of the company 's new it should still pay close attention to the activities of maintenance of the it systems of PT Gudang garam Tbk. without closing the opportunity to serve other companies. For services that provided PT Gudang garam Tbk., can give the price of whatthe called method of transfer pricing so that new companies that can arrange his own. The implementation of an ERP system is a process that is continuous. So begins has not been retired and is no longer possible there is apoint of perfection. That there is merely a process of refinement that is not at a standstill. Thus the assessment of ERP also must be done with earnest. A lot of factors that need to be thought out in the selection of the ERP. In General, the ERP that went to Indonesia's already proven its success. But success in other countries could not necessarily be a guarantee for us. The issue of human resources and infrastructures is also becoming determinants of ERP will develop continuously in accordance with the demands of the consumers. A clear development of ERP in the future this will be a heavy emphasis-on a few things, namely, more support, more customer service support specific industry vertical (vertical industry), and also more supportive of the process of taking a decision (decision support). ERP's future will also be more flexible in its implementation, usage and the way of financing. So are a lot of benefits for PT Gudang garam Tbk. in building technology information throughout the sector can with easy-to- get information what is just that they need as well as a Company capable ofdirectly can respond in Quickly responding to the changing smoking recipes. After the ERP applied, the entire information data can be with a quick coordinated to all departments. When a staff requires a computer and newmanagers are not there in the Office and had to wait to ask for approval, this is the wrong one thing which is not efficient. After IT is applied, it staff can directly inform over the network so that managers can directly give approval, so that the existence of such barriers to information technology can already be addressed. PT Gudang garam Tbk plans to build IT in the long term as well as allocate funds amounting to US $ 5 million per year. Development of a pun is not just done by the team of IT internal and regional, but aided by many vendors, both from outside the country as well as local, such as IBM, Sigma and Mitrais. Development of TI was intended so that business processes more effective, accurate and fast. Pengguanaan IT could provide important benefits for PT Gudang Garam Tbk., i.e. the adoption of a tool or a new technology which possibly tested. That is, as long as this it infrastructure and technology am already very famous and become a best practice in the industry. In practice in the field of technology, it will take effect on all levels of PT GUDANG GARAM TBK. For top level would be useful in the analysis and decision making; and for middle-level function in the control and operational analysis; While in the lower level could simplify the process. End-end, will increase efficiency and productivity. In addition, it automatically will awaken a new more positive culture, and supporting the performance of the company.


The application of ERP in PT Gudang garam Tbk. conclusions as follows:
The application of ERP in a company must be a strategic policy at the level of top management and supported by every element that exists within the company. ERP has been able to meet some of the long-term target before deadline. As shown in the operation net income growth. With increased sales, meaning the company has managed to implement an efficient process. This process begins by the level of accuracy of the data that is controlled by the ERP. A similar thing can be seen on the timeliness of delivery, the use of internal standards and reports the average error incurred by employees. These indicators have proved that ERP directs the process on the matter.

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